Upcoming Events
The day starts with Sing and Share at 8:15 a.m., followed by the Jr. Choir at 8:45 a.m. Sunday School classes for all ages begin at 9:00 a.m., and our Worship Service will start at 10:00 a.m. Come join us for a morning of music, learning, and worship as we gather together in faith!
Starting Sep. 15th, join Miss Norma every Sunday at 8:45 am in room 105 for Jr. Choir.
After School will be on Wednesdays, from 3:30- 5:00 pm
Contact Pastor Cheryl for Questions

Single Service
On Sunday, December 26, we will only have one service at 10:30 a.m. There will be no Sunday School on this day.

Christmas Eve Communion
Join us for Carols, Scripture, Reflection, Prayer, & Communion.

First Friday Free Community Meal
Join a team of CUMC volunteers as we provide a hot meal to go for all looking for lunch. Volunteers are invited to come at 9:30 a.m. to help prepare, cook, and serve food. To-go meals are available from 11:30AM - 12:30PM. Email info@christumcmarietta.org or call us at 740-373-1512 for more information.

Thursday Advent Devotional Study Group
This group meets each Thursday at noon, starting on Thursday, December 2 through Thursday, December 23, 2021.
You can sign-up to join this group here.
Books may be picked up in the Church Office. They are $14.00. You can pay via cash or check to the office or online at christumcmarietta.org/give.

Sunday Advent Devotional Study Group
This group meets each Sunday during Sunday School, starting on Sunday, November 28 through Sunday, December 19, 2021.
You can sign-up to join this group here.
Books may be picked up in the Church Office. They are $14.00. You can pay via cash or check to the office or online at christumcmarietta.org/give.

All Saints' Sunday
On All Saints' Sunday, November 7th, we will remember beloved members, friends and family who have died since last year’s All Saint’s celebration. Please email infor@christumcmarietta.org or call 740-373-1512 to provide the names of anyone you would like recognized on this special day.

First Friday Free Community Meal
Join a team of CUMC volunteers as we provide a hot meal to go for all looking for lunch. Volunteers are invited to come at 9:30 a.m. to help prepare, cook, and serve food. To-go meals are available from 11:30AM - 12:30PM. Email info@christumcmarietta.org or call us at 740-373-1512 for more information.

Ministry with the Forgotten Webinar
On Saturday, October 23, the West Ohio Conference will host an all-day webinar on ministering to people with memory issues. The workshop will be led by Bishop Kenneth L. Carder, author of the book Ministry with the Forgotten: Dementia Through a Spiritual Lens.
The webinar will be held online from 8:30am-5:00pm (EDT), beginning with a time of worship and prayer and ending with a panel discussion. As part of the $30 event fee, you will receive a copy of Bishop Carder's book.
Click here for more information and to register

Volunteer Orientation for Afterschool Program
After School Orientation will be Wednesday, October 13th, at 4 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Orientation is for everyone who will be serving with After School this year. Volunteers must be Safe Sanctuary trained--the next training is right before Orientation if you need to attend. There is still time to be part of this ministry with Washington Elementary on Wednesday afternoons--contact Pastor Cheryl at pastorcheryl@christumcmarietta.org for details and plan to attend! Our first day with children will be October 20th.

Safe Sanctuary Training
Our next Safe Sanctuary training will be Wednesday, October 13th, at 3 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Training is required for anyone 18 and older who will be working with children or youth in our ministries (Sunday School, After School, Youth Group, etc.). Questions? Email Pastor Cheryl.
Two Opportunities to Give this Lent
1. This Lent, we are putting together flood buckets to be stored locally for rapid response in this area. We are doing this in partnership with the other United Methodist Congregations. The goal between our congregations is at least 100 buckets. We divided up the items needed between our churches. Christ Church has been asked to provide:
34 5-gallon buckets with lids
100 32-65 oz bottle liquid laundry detergent (best size 50 oz)
100 6-14 oz pump spray insect repellent (pack of 10-20 wipes acceptable)
500 Nylon-like scouring pads (No stainless steel or pads with soap.)
100 Pairs of heavy-duty, reusable work gloves (Such as Nitrile, cotton with leather palms, or all leather)
You can sign up in the narthex, or if you would like to donate cash toward the purchase of items, write the check to Christ UMC and FLOOD in the memo line and on your envelope.
On Maundy Thursday, we will gather at Norwood UMC at 4 PM to assemble the buckets, followed by a carry-in meal, followed by a joint Maundy Thursday Service.
2. Also, our regular Lenten offering is earmarked for Harvest of Hope. Please give generously to support this ministry that fights hunger locally.
Bell and choir rehearsals have started, and we’re excited to welcome new ringers and singers! We invite everyone to come and make a joyful noise with us finding inspiration in Psalm 100. If you’re interested in joining our bell choir, please contact Beth Payton in advance for proper preparation.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Join us on April 1st, 2025, at 7:00 PM for a presentation by Boris Goldin on "Messiah in the Passover". Don't miss it!
Scripture Reading & Holy Communion
On Wednesdays at noon in the Sanctuary, there will be a reading of the scripture text for the next Sunday’s sermon and Holy Communion with the Pastor.
Thursdays at Noon TED Talk Study
We will discuss a short talk from a faith perspective each week. Each week stands alone, so join us anytime!
We will not have a TED Talk during the Lenten Study
Last Sunday Supper Potluck After Worship March 30
Join us after worship service to break bread and enjoy fellowship together. Bring a dish to share if you can, but if you don’t have one please come anyway!
Mary Circle meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at noon at the Library and welcomes new members!
We need volunteers for Thursday morning prep and Friday service, as usual. Please let us know if you’d like to join this belly-filling, joy-bringing ministry All are Welcome!
Free Community Meal
April 4,11:30 am-12:30 pm
Ongoing Events
8:15 AM Sing and Share every Sunday in the Fellowship Hall
9:30 AM Fellowship and Coffee on the Patio every Sunday - or in the Narthex on rainy days
10:00AM Sunday Worship Service(You can also join us online.)
Children’s Church during 10:00 AM Worship Service
Communion Sundays: The first Sunday of each month.
Monday evenings at Rary’s
Wednesdays Scripture and Holy Communion at noon
Thursday noon study group