Small Group Gatherings
Small Groups are intentional gatherings of Christ’s disciples coming together to learn, engage, discuss, and grow in their faith outside of Sunday Worship. Small Groups are lead by members of Christ UMC and are open to all community members interested in joining. If you would like to know more about a Small Group, joining a Small Group, or you are interested in leading a new Small Group, please contact us at or use our Contact Us form to let us know.
Join Paster Cheryl on Thursdays at noon. Bring your own lunch!
Time: Mondays at 7:00 p.m.
Place: The Rary’s House
Leaders: Don & Jan Rary
An intimate, informal group of people interested in coming together to actively study and discuss the Bible and how to apply it to their lives. The group works together to decide what Book of the Bible they will be studying. They will begin reading and learning more about the book of Revelation which is often intimidating & bewildering.
Call Jan at (740) 525-2158 for details.
Faith Sharing & Holy Communion
Join us on Wednesdays at noon for a short time of faith sharing, Holy Communion and meditation. We will meet in the sanctuary. Join anytime. Everyone welcome. No experience necessary.
Time: Sundays at 5:00 p.m.
Place: Christ UMC Room 104
Leader: Shelly Stormes